Nobody should be remotely shocked at the first two picks of day one of the 2012 NFL draft, but that doesn’t mean there weren’t any interesting results with the remaining selections. Teams were moving up at a frantic pace throughout the night, resulting in the most trade-ups in the history of the draft. Here are the top 10 selections in the 2012 NFL Draft.
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The Best Day to Start
Is today. We’ve started, not coincidentally on NFL’s 2012 Draft Day. I’m tentative to say the words “launch” or “soft launch”, as all that has been done so far is a WordPress install, selecting a basic off-the-shelf theme and opening a few social accounts. So instead, I’ve settled on the word “start”. Starting is often the hardest part. There are lots of reasons not to start: Who will read these posts? (at this point, no one, not even Googlebot) What if our writing is terrible? (it probably is, we have no journalism degrees) How do I handle negative comments?